My Blog

My New Blog - Newsletter replacement...?
10 September 2023 - 9 Comments
Posted by Ian Lewis
So - being a left handed dyslexic, middle-aged, white man who was diagnosed with ADHD at the grand age of 47 (combined type, inattentive and hyperactive - yes, my wife goes through hell on a regular basis) - doing the admin side of running a business is, shall we be polite and just say, my least favourite and probably most procrastinated part.
Historically I wrote a (nearly) monthly newsletter, which for whatever reason appeared to be not only quite popular with many of its subscribers, but actively missed by some (if the correspondence I recieved at its demise were to be believed).
I say it died - it did, rather than just fizzle out. It was a time issue mainly - it takes a lot longer to get one knocked out than I would have liked or often had available to me. Then we hit lockdown in March 2020. One unforseen consequence was that the entire country ended up with a large number of repressed anglers, unable to get out fishing. Many of them, with more spare cash than ever before not being able to spend it in coffee shops or other of lifes friparies. Lockdown was not created equal for all men. Lets just say my 18 months of lockdown were anything but peaceful!

A typical days postal run - 2020 lockdown
So, you get the picture - there was not a lot of spare time and many things, like having any form of work life balance, went right out the window. My mantra at the time and the only thing keeping me sane was to keep saying, ''Better to be busy than bored'' and I was certainly keeping busy. I was asked several times 'Why work so hard?', but if you have ever run your own business, especially one based on handmade crafts, then you will know the road is anything but smooth and most of the pitfalls and hurdles placed in your way are totally out of your control (read Brexit....I'm sayin' nothing.......Talk of recessions/cost of living crisis.........Wars in foreign lands........the weather - yes wet miserable summers are a boost for my business but sunshine is guaranteed to make July my worst trading month for another year) - anyway, my point is if the sun is metaphorically shining, you had better bloody well make hay and as much as you can because things never stay the same. After death and taxes, the only other certainty in life.
Anyway (having gotten distracted and waffled - remember the bit about ADHD at the start - well now you are learning all about it indirectly) one of the casulties of the pandemic induced madness was the newsletter. I was just too busy and quite frankly, it was one less thing to stress over each month. As I said, in time, several folk commented and asked if I would fire it up again, but I kept putting it off and justifying my actions in my own head. Then, today, I was sorting out a few things on the never ending list of 'Things to Do' on this here website of mine and I was wondering how I might, in a non-messy and hopefully, slightly organised fashion, add some extra content I was wanting to, when I spotted having a Blog was an option.
I don't know if this will work as a suitable place to put my musings, ramblings and hopefully occasionally useful bits and bobs, but I am hoping it will. If you have persisted and read this far (well done and thank you) please do message me and let me know. Not only for the ego boost, but so I know to keep rabbiting on as I find the time.
Many thanks for giving me your valuable time to read all this. I feel it appropriate now to sign off in the style of Sir W. Churchill
P.S. - for anyone wondering how such a grammatically correct piece could be scribed by myself, it went through some extensive checks and fixes, performed by my every supportive wife, Lara.
Historically I wrote a (nearly) monthly newsletter, which for whatever reason appeared to be not only quite popular with many of its subscribers, but actively missed by some (if the correspondence I recieved at its demise were to be believed).
I say it died - it did, rather than just fizzle out. It was a time issue mainly - it takes a lot longer to get one knocked out than I would have liked or often had available to me. Then we hit lockdown in March 2020. One unforseen consequence was that the entire country ended up with a large number of repressed anglers, unable to get out fishing. Many of them, with more spare cash than ever before not being able to spend it in coffee shops or other of lifes friparies. Lockdown was not created equal for all men. Lets just say my 18 months of lockdown were anything but peaceful!
My order book went ballistic. To give you an idea, I normally sit on around 20-30 active orders at any one time - with the flow of incoming orders roughly matching my ability to make and ship them out. By June that year however, my order book had shot up to 125 active orders where it remained for the next 12 months, and it was soon taking me 30 days just to get to an order to start making it. I was working from 5am to 10pm seven days a week and did this without a day off for just over 6 months.
I roped in (and paid) my son and daughter (14 and 12 at the time) and my wife in their spare time just to help keep on top of things. I even took the unprecedented step of pulling the plug - literally closing my website and all other outlets on thee ocasions for a total of seven weeks when breaking point was reached.
I roped in (and paid) my son and daughter (14 and 12 at the time) and my wife in their spare time just to help keep on top of things. I even took the unprecedented step of pulling the plug - literally closing my website and all other outlets on thee ocasions for a total of seven weeks when breaking point was reached.

A typical days postal run - 2020 lockdown
So, you get the picture - there was not a lot of spare time and many things, like having any form of work life balance, went right out the window. My mantra at the time and the only thing keeping me sane was to keep saying, ''Better to be busy than bored'' and I was certainly keeping busy. I was asked several times 'Why work so hard?', but if you have ever run your own business, especially one based on handmade crafts, then you will know the road is anything but smooth and most of the pitfalls and hurdles placed in your way are totally out of your control (read Brexit....I'm sayin' nothing.......Talk of recessions/cost of living crisis.........Wars in foreign lands........the weather - yes wet miserable summers are a boost for my business but sunshine is guaranteed to make July my worst trading month for another year) - anyway, my point is if the sun is metaphorically shining, you had better bloody well make hay and as much as you can because things never stay the same. After death and taxes, the only other certainty in life.
Anyway (having gotten distracted and waffled - remember the bit about ADHD at the start - well now you are learning all about it indirectly) one of the casulties of the pandemic induced madness was the newsletter. I was just too busy and quite frankly, it was one less thing to stress over each month. As I said, in time, several folk commented and asked if I would fire it up again, but I kept putting it off and justifying my actions in my own head. Then, today, I was sorting out a few things on the never ending list of 'Things to Do' on this here website of mine and I was wondering how I might, in a non-messy and hopefully, slightly organised fashion, add some extra content I was wanting to, when I spotted having a Blog was an option.
I don't know if this will work as a suitable place to put my musings, ramblings and hopefully occasionally useful bits and bobs, but I am hoping it will. If you have persisted and read this far (well done and thank you) please do message me and let me know. Not only for the ego boost, but so I know to keep rabbiting on as I find the time.
Many thanks for giving me your valuable time to read all this. I feel it appropriate now to sign off in the style of Sir W. Churchill
P.S. - for anyone wondering how such a grammatically correct piece could be scribed by myself, it went through some extensive checks and fixes, performed by my every supportive wife, Lara.
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Your Comments
Ian Edge11 September 2023
I hope you keep up with the blog, that taster was enjoyable, dont try and make it a regular thing but as and when, that way the pressure is off you a little, all the best Ian
Kevin11 September 2023
Well I think this a very interesting read, it holds some very descriptive information on a small part of your rather complex life.. I personally have purchased some of your work ( floats ) and they are second to none.. I think this idea will go down extremely well with lots of people.. thanks for this Ian. Keep up the good work as they say.
Mark Butler29 April 2024
Great stuff Ian, please keep it up, if you have time, I totally understand the pros and cons of running a business, it s very hard work, I am also Dyslexic and also discovered in my fifty s that I am quite high up on the Autistic spectrum, now I look back on my life it does answer a lot questions about myself. So thank you for your very honest blog it s much appreciated, and makes me realise other people have to put up with problems as well.
Admin20 June 2024
Hi Mark - thank you so much for reaching out and your comments. Yes, we all face challenges in life no matter what our back story, but as you say, sometimes its just nice to be able to understand whats been going on for so long and 'situations' that have arisen that perhaps might not have otherwise that left you feeling baffled / stressed. Sure made school life in the 80's interesting and even married life now!
SIDESTREAM BOB13 September 2023
Consider your ego boosted.
Richard11 September 2023
I live this and I can relate to much of your struggles. I'm dyslexic, I go down many alleys in one simple narrative! My son is severely affected so much so he can't get a normal job as the world isn't designed for him.
Paul Daniels11 September 2023
Hi mate, enjoyed the blog. Not something I ve got into in the past, social media get a bit drawn out and time consuming but in this form ,certainly easier to follow. Shall look forward to the next one!
Robert McClelland11 September 2023
Well done .. look forward to the next one ..
Mike Gaston11 September 2023
Give it a go Ian. I enjoyed reading your piece. You have a very supportive and understanding family. We all love your floats, but find time for them and to get out fishing yourself.